Foster your child’s self-worth, resilience & critical thinking skills with ARC Kids!

Foster your child’s self-worth, resilience & critical thinking skills with ARC Kids!

A.R.C. Kids’ Club is a celebration of childhood. A precious time when your only limit to self-discovery and fun is your imagination. A time when you can learn like a sponge, and enjoy the process. A time to try on many hats to see which fits best. A time before self-doubt and others’ opinions cast clouds over your abundant potential.

ARC, standing for Amazing, Resilient and Critical Thinking Kids’ Club, aims to nurture these three qualities in our children. Three qualities needing nurturing now more than ever. Being an award winning children’s entertainer, author, speaker, but most importantly, father, the long-term effects of the lockdowns, isolation, and steady diet of fear our children are being fed keeps me up at night.

Hence, the birth of ARC Kids’ Club. A collaborative effort of likeminded individuals trying to keep the magic of childhood alive. Each of A.R.C. Kids’ Club’s instructors are experts in their various fields which include (these are just a sampling of our amazing team):

Magic – Scott Dietrich, Award Winning Magician
Martial Arts – Denise Garrido, 3rd Degree Black Belt
Memory – Dave Farrow, Guinness Record Holder
Gardening – Shy-Anne Hovorka, Singing Green Thumb
Science – Denise Garrido, Scientist/Researcher
Storytelling – Teri Hawkins, Master Storyteller
Dance – Melanie McGregor, Get Low Dance Co.
Aviation – Ricardo Garrido, Pilot

As you can imagine, there are many teachable concepts in each of these subjects, but also a lot of fun to be had. These will not be like any boring Zoom classes your child may have had to endure in the past. Our goal is to create a unique experience where the screen between your child and the instructor seems to disappear as they participate, laugh, and learn.

Our goal is simple. To foster your child’s self-worth, awaken their resilience, and sharpen their critical thinking skills in an increasingly upside-down world.

Although I will be teaching all the magic classes and balloon sculpting classes, your child has the benefit of a team of amazing guest instructors in various disciplines. This is great because, although everyone loves magic, children have various interests, some of which they may not have even discovered yet, and will get a glimpse into, and learn something new from, each instructor.

There will be two classes per month, one taught by myself, and another taught by a guest instructor (announced monthly on ). Classes will be held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 4:30pm EST. If you’re unable to attend, not to worry, a link will be emailed to you to watch at your convenience.

So make 2021 everything 2020 wasn’t and more. Give your child the gift of self-confidence, resilience and critical thinking. Register your child today!
