What is A.R.C. Kids?
A.R.C. stands for Amazing, Resilient, Critical Thinking Kids. Three qualities which our children need nurtured now more than ever. A.R.C. Kids Club provides 30 minute, bi-weekly, virtual learning experiences unlike anything your child has experienced before. Ideal for kids ages 8 through 12. Whether through magic, music, science, storytelling, dance, aviation or cooking, we will foster not only your child’s self-worth and awaken their resilience, but sharpen their ability to think critically in an increasingly upside-down world.
What’s even more exciting is A.R.C. Kids Club is a collaborative effort. Although I will be teaching the virtual magic classes and virtual balloon sculpting classes, your child will have the benefit of learning from a team of instructors, each experts in their various fields. Your child will experience virtual memory classes, virtual gardening classes, virtual science classes, virtual taekwondo classes, virtual music classes, virtual dance classes, and so much more!!!
Here’s a taste of what’s in store ↓ ↓ ↓
As an award winning children’s entertainer, speaker, author, but most importantly, father, I’ve been deeply concerned about the long-term effects of the lockdowns, isolation, and constant fear on our children.
Resilience is a topic I have paid particular attention to throughout my career, and addressed in both my bullying prevention program “School Heroes Unite” and my children’s book “I Can and I Did!”. Although we may not have much control over external events (especially in 2020, 2021), we can control the way we react, the meaning we give events, and how they shape us.
A membership with ARC Kids’ Club includes two virtual classes, the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm EST. The first class of each month will be taught by me, and will usually be a virtual magic class, and sometimes a virtual balloon sculpting class. The second of the two classes will be taught by a special guest instructor, who is an expert in their field (examples include a Guinness Record Holder, 3rd Degree Black Belt, and Award Winning Songwriter to name a few). The classes will be live over Zoom, and watching them live will offer your child the most interactive and fun learning experience. However, if you miss a class, a private link of each class will be uploaded for you to watch at your leisure.
So if you would like to foster your child’s self-esteem, resilience, and critical thinking skills, or just want to offer them a positive and productive escape from their lockdown boredom, SIGN UP for ARC Kids’ Club today!
Monthly Membership – Only $15 per month!
Monthly Featured Guest:
May’s Special Guest Instructor (Wed May 19th @ 6:30pm): Melanie McGregor of Get Low Dance Co.!
ARC Kids’ Club’s May 2021 guest instructor is Get Low Dance Co.’s, Melanie McGregor. Melanie is the founder of Get Low Dance Co., and has been dancing since she was three years old. She has performed both nationally and internationally, and in 2017, won Best Dancer at a competition in China. She has been teaching and running dance programs virtually, now, from daycares to school boards, to birthday parties.
Get Low Dance Co.‘s mission began by empowering under resourced children and youth by providing an outlet to express themselves creatively through dance. Offering affordable dance programs with passion driven instructors. Enabling children and youth to explore their creativity and build their self confidence through movement. Celebrating 18 years of Fun Dance Fitness for All Ages!
When: Wednesday, May 19th at 6:30pm EST
In the News!
Some commonly asked questions:
When and Where are the classes held?
Classes will be hosted on Zoom the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:30pm EST.
If you are not able to tune in live, a special link will be sent to you to watch it at your leisure.
Do we need any special materials for the classes?
Although materials are not included as part of the A.R.C. Kids’ Club, almost everything you’ll ever need will be easily found around the house, or if need be, your local dollar store.
What age group is A.R.C. Kids’ Club ideal for?
A.R.C. Kids Club is ideal for children / students ages 8 through 12 (but we do have some flexibility).
How and Why was A.R.C. Kids’ Club created?
I’ve always resonated with the old saying, “It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” I’m also a firm believer in the law of attraction and that we get what we focus on. Similar to when I founded “School Heroes Unite” to address the bullying epidemic in our schools, A.R.C. Kids’ Club was my answer to the depression, anxiety, fear, and helplessness children have been facing through the isolation of lockdowns and school closures.
As a father, it broke my heart, but rather than sit on my hands, A.R.C. Kids Club was born. A.R.C. stands for Amazing, Resilient, Critical Thinking, Kids’ Club. And since I can’t help children in schools like I used to through my school assemblies and magic shows, I have gone virtual, and taken my teaching and magic classes online.
Better yet, now I’m part of a team! I reached out to people who truly inspired me, who have always had a heart for helping children, showed tremendous resilience and critical thinking throughout the pandemic, and are experts in their chosen fields. These are the types of amazing, grounded, human beings that will be your child’s instructors throughout their journey with ARC Kids’ Club.
Classes will include:
· Online Magic Classes
· Online Balloon Sculpting Classes
· Online Memory Classes
· Online Gardening Classes
· Online Taekwondo Classes
· Online Martial Arts Classes
· Online Science Classes
· Online Dance Classes
· Online Music Classes
· Online Storytelling
· Online Aviation Classes
To name a few!
Together we can help nurture your child’s self-confidence, resilience, and critical thinking skills. And as a parent, if at all possible, I highly recommend you participate on the calls with your child (even if it’s watching the playback with them at a later time). This can serve as quality parent-child bonding time, allow you to learn new skills together, and might even lead to you assisting your child in performing magic shows for the whole family!
ARC Kids’ Club Guest Instructors (by month):
January (Virtual Memory Class)
Dave Farrow
Guinness Record Holder for Greatest Memory
ARC Kids’ Club’s January 2021 guest instructor is Guinness Record Holder for Greatest Memory, Dave Farrow. Amazingly, he memorized and correctly recalled the order of 59 shuffled decks of playing cards. That’s 3,068 random cards in order! What’s even more amazing, though, is Dave Farrow wasn’t born with a great memory. In fact, in school he was told he had a bad memory and was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Not about to let others determine his potential, he set out to learn all he could on improving his memory. This quest led to Dave not only achieving the greatest memory in the world, but helping tens of thousands of others to improve their memory as well through his various courses, programs, and television appearances.
February (Virtual Gardening Class)
Shy-Anne Hovorka
Pro-Gardener, Award-Winning Singer Songwriter, and Humanitarian
ARC Kids’ Club’s February 2021 guest instructor is Pro-Gardener (The Singing Green Thumb), Shy-Anne Hovorka. In this virtual gardening class she will be sharing tips on how you can start your own garden, and which vegetables you can already start planting (even in February). Shy-Anne is also an Award-Winning Singer-Songwriter, and Humanitarian and might be joining us again on a future A.R.C. Kids Club episode for a virtual music class.
March (Virtual Science Class for Kids)
Denise Garrido
Mrs Galaxy Canada, Cum Laude Graduate in Biomedical Sciences, 3rd Degree Black Belt
ARC Kids’ Club’s March 2021 guest instructor is Science Queen, Denise Garrido. In this virtual science class for kids, Denise will be teaching us the importance of our circadian rhythm in keeping healthy and the positive and negative effects of blue light . Denise Garrido, Mrs. Galaxy Canada, is a real-life Pageant Queen, Cum Laude Graduate in Biomedical Sciences, and 3rd Degree Black-Belt in Taekwondo. Over the coming months Denise will be instructing both A.R.C. Science and Taekwondo classes!
April (Virtual Taekwondo Class for Kids)
Denise Garrido
Mrs Galaxy Canada, 3rd Degree Black Belt, Cum Laude Graduate in Biomedical Sciences
ARC Kids’ Club’s April 2021 guest instructor is 3rd Degree Black Belt in Taekwondo, Denise Garrido. Denise has been practicing Taekwondo since she was 8 years old, and teaching for over 20 years. She had the privilege of performing Taekwondo on national television in South Korea (the birthplace of Taekwondo). In this virtual martial arts class for kids, Denise will be teaching wrist escapes and self-defence!
May (Virtual Dance Class for Kids)
Melanie McGregor
CEO and Instructor of Get Low Dance Co.
ARC Kids’ Club’s May 2021 guest instructor is Get Low Dance Co.’s, Melanie McGregor. Melanie is the founder of Get Low Dance Co., and has been dancing since she was three years old. She has performed both nationally and internationally, and in 2017, won Best Dancer at a competition in China. She has been teaching and running dance programs virtually, now, from daycares to school boards, to birthday parties.
Get Low Dance Co.‘s mission began by empowering under resourced children and youth by providing an outlet to express themselves creatively through dance. Offering affordable dance programs with passion driven instructors. Enabling children and youth to explore their creativity and build their self confidence through movement. Celebrating 18 years of Fun Dance Fitness for All Ages!